「Catrina makeup (カトリーナメイク)」の豆知識 「デア・デ・ロス・ムエルトス」(死者の日)における「Catrina makeup(カトリーナメイク)」は、メキシコの文化と伝統に深い関連があります。Catrinaは、メキシコのカリカチュア(風刺画)で描かれた骨の女性のキャラクターで、メキシコの死者の日の象徴的なアイコンの1つです。
“Catrina Makeup” Trivia: “Catrina makeup” during “Día de los Muertos” (Day of the Dead) has deep roots in Mexican culture and tradition. Catrina is a character portrayed in Mexican caricatures, representing a skeletal woman and serving as one of the iconic symbols of Mexico’s Day of the Dead.
Origins of Catrina
Catrinaのキャラクターは、メキシコの有名な挿絵画家であるホセ・グアダルーペ・ポサダ(Jose Guadalupe Posada)によって初めて描かれたそうです。彼は20世紀初頭にカリカチュアを制作し、Catrinaはその中で骨組織を持つ上流階級の女性を象徴するキャラクターとして登場しました。Catrinaは、富裕層の華やかな生活を風刺的に描写する一方で、死との不可避的な対決を表現する象徴的な存在としても捉えられました。
The character of Catrina was first illustrated by the renowned Mexican illustrator José Guadalupe Posada. He created caricatures in the early 20th century, and Catrina emerged as a character symbolizing the upper-class women with skeletal features. Catrina served as a satirical representation of the extravagant lifestyles of the wealthy while also symbolizing the inevitable confrontation with death.
Significance of Catrina Makeup
Catrina makeup is used during the “Día de los Muertos” festivities as a means to express respect for the deceased and celebrate the traditional elements associated with death. This makeup pays homage to those who have passed away on the Day of the Dead and emphasizes the connection between the souls of the deceased and the living. Catrina makeup symbolizes people mimicking this identity and joining the festivities alongside the souls of the departed during parades and celebrations.
Characteristics of Catrina Makeup
Catrina makeup typically involves a white-painted face adorned with colorful flowers, jewelry, and ornate hats. The white face represents a skeletal appearance reminiscent of the deceased, symbolizing the skeletal imagery associated with the Day of the Dead. The vibrant decorations and flowers symbolize Mexico's rich culture and affection for the deceased, showcasing the contrast between life and death.
Popularity of Catrina Makeup
Catrina makeup enjoys significant popularity both within Mexico and internationally and is widely seen during festivals and events related to Day of the Dead. Particularly during the Día de los Muertos festival in Mexico City, many people apply Catrina makeup and participate in parades and celebrations. This makeup is cherished worldwide as a way to honor Mexican culture and tradition.
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