Ofrenda (オフレンダ)」の豆知識 「死者の日」は、メキシコの長い歴史と深い文化的な意味を持つ祭りです。
“Ofrenda” Trivia: “Day of the Dead” is a festival in Mexico that holds a rich historical and cultural significance.


▶ アステカ文明とカトリックの融合
Fusion of Aztec Civilization and Catholicism

「デア・デ・ロス・ムエルトス」は、アステカ文明の祭りとカトリックの宗教的な 要素が結びついて形成されたそうです。アステカ文化では、亡くなった人々を称える祭りが行われていました。スペイン人がメキシコを征服し、カトリック教が導入される過程で、この祭りは「オール・セインツ・デイ」と「オール・ソウルズ・デイ」(11月1日と2日)に結びつき、現在の形に発展したようです。

“Día de los Muertos” is believed to have formed through a fusion of the Aztec civilization's festivals and the religious elements of Catholicism. In Aztec culture, there were festivals to honor the deceased. With the Spanish conquest of Mexico and the introduction of Catholicism, this festival became associated with “All Saints' Day” and “All Souls' Day” (November 1st and 2nd) and evolved into its current form.

▶ 死者の魂の帰還
The Return of Souls of the Deceased


“Día de los Muertos” is believed to be a time when the souls of the deceased return temporarily to Earth. Families and friends welcome and celebrate the souls of their departed loved ones, sharing memories. It's common to visit cemeteries to decorate graves and set up altars in homes.

Elaborate Decorations and Symbols


The festival of “Día de los Muertos” is adorned with beautiful flowers, colorful Catrina dolls, candles, food, and drinks. Marigold flowers are especially significant, believed to guide and lead the souls of the deceased back to their homes. Skeleton motifs and Calacas (skeleton or skull figurines) are also common, representing reverence for the deceased.

Creating an Altar


An “Ofrenda” is a specially arranged altar dedicated to commemorating and respecting the deceased, prepared with care to welcome their souls. The altar, often covered with colorful fabric, features photographs of the departed to remember and honor them. Flowers, particularly colorful marigolds, are common and believed to serve as a path to guide the souls. Numerous candles are lit to illuminate and guide the souls that may have lost their way. Food and beverages, including the deceased's favorite dishes and drinks, are offered. “Pan de Muertos” (bread of the dead), sweet fruits, tortillas, chocolate, tequila, among others, are common offerings.


“Día de los Muertos” is one of the most iconic festivals in Mexican culture, providing a wonderful opportunity to show respect and affection for the deceased. It emphasizes Mexico’s cultural identity and family bonds, celebrating the connection between the living and the deceased.



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